How Many Cars Will You Go Through In One Lifetime?

A review of some popular websites shows that people will own eight cars or more in their entire lifetime. That seems like a lot, but a person’s needs, tastes and financial conditions change over time. Count the number of cars you’ve owned and see how your life compares with the average. Below are cars associated with different phases of someone’s life.
The High School Days
This may have been your first car and was likely a hand-me-down from your parents, they may have also found a great deal on a used car for you. Regardless of where it came from, this was probably the car that really taught you how to, and how not to, drive.
The College Days
Unless you went to a college in the middle of an urban area, you probably needed a car while in school. This car was just an engine and seats on wheels. It got you around, and was a good place to store old fast food sandwich wrappers, but that was about it.
Marriage or Professional Life
The next car was in response to getting married or the need for a professional image. Both required a different level of responsibility, and you needed a car to show that.
When married, you wanted a car that kept you and your spouse safe, was economical, and practical. You may have had to bring a new lawn mower or a potted ficus home in it so it had to be versatile.
A new job in a professional field may have prompted you to buy a nice, new car that gave the appearance that you had “made it.” You didn’t get to spend much time in your new car because you spent all of your time “making it.” But you did look good sitting in it.
The Kid-Mobile
When you had children, you had to have the car to match. Something big and boxy that would comfortably and safely hold your kids and their friends. It also had to have enough room for the family dog.
The Economical Car
At some time in your life, gas prices skyrocketed and you decided to look for a car that was very economical. It wasn’t pretty or necessarily built well. But it got a zillion miles to the gallon.
The Nice Ride
After being bounced around by your economical car for a couple of years, it was time to go out and buy a real road machine. Plush interior and solid road-feel, it practically drove itself. It probably got 6 miles to the gallon, but you loved it.
The Middle Years
Some people deal with mid-life changes by buying the car they’ve always wanted. This could have ended up being a convertible, even though you lived where you could only have the top down 8 days a year. Or a car that went from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds, but you never had the nerve to test that out. This was a car that was a lot more fun in theory than what you experienced.
The Later Years
For some people, the last car they had in their lifetime was also the largest. It dared anyone on the road to tangle with it. If they did, it always won, without a dent or scrape.
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